Seattle T.I.S.I Sangam
சியாட்டில் சங்ககாலம்
To Be A Dynamic Socio-Economic, Cultural & Educational Organization Developing its Members to Achieve Sangam Aspirations Through Constant Interactions & Education.

EIN: 46-4911182
Site under construction updates coming soon.
The Humble Beginning of
Seattle T.I.S.I Sangam
Many soccer-enthusiastic people from Seattle showed interest in participating in Soccer tournaments organized by the U.S.A. and Canada Sangam. As a result, a meeting was held at a high school soccer field in Kent, Washington, and the members present decided that a Sangam Soccer club should be formed.
This idea of a Sangam group was first mooted in the late 1990s with a handful of Fiji Sangam members who chose Seattle as their new place to live and work. While using soccer as a medium to get together, they also wanted to continue the traditional legacies left behind by the Great founder of Sangam in Fiji, "Sevaka Ratnam" Sadhu Kuppuswami, who came to Fiji as an Indentured laborer brought in by the British Government to work on cotton plantations. Late Mr. Bal Krishnan Gounder was appointed the President of the newly formed Sangam Soccer Club. His first Board comprised Mr. Annamalle Chetty, Mr. Kuveran Naicker, Mr. Rakesh Naidu, Mr. Sammogam Goundar, Mr. Rajesh Naidu, Mr. Gyan Muni, Mr. Gyaneshwaran (Gyan) Pillai, Mr. Ram Murti Naidu and Mr. T J Gounder. culture. .....